A beautifully done video for
"Awakening The Divine Feminine"
This book contains stories of 18 women who transformed their most profound difficulties into a source of strength that they now use to uplift and empower those around them.
Within their stories they:
*Discovered they are more resilient than they ever imagined.
*Found unconditional love for self and others.
*Not only survived, but found joy and purpose after grief and loss.
*Became powerful healers through yoga, reiki, massage, intuitive communication, plant medicine and more.
*Allowed the Divine Feminine to move through them in ever more creative and soulful ways.
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After the book party celebrations, which happened early June, for the release of this beautiful collaborative book that I co-authored,
Awakening the Divine Feminine: 18 Stories of Healing, Inspiration, & Empowerment.
A time where all of the co-authors share a bit of their chapter, and when I shared about "My Life Path as a Divine Conduit" during those 3 days of Inspiration & Empowerment we reached the Best Seller Status within several categories in Amazon - yahooo, and that was thanks to each of you who supported us with your purchases and sharing of the book - immense gratitude!
Keep in tune, since more events around the book will be announced here :-)
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"Lydie ~ Your story is so awesome in this book, and I loved learning new parts of your story that surprised and delighted me. What a powerhouse you are" 
-Laura Cornell
Awakening the Divine Feminine
Never before has the Divine Feminine been so needed on our planet. The suffering of Mother Earth will stop only when humanity as a whole ~ both women AND men ~ collectively raise our consciousness to a new level of love.
This book contains stories of women who transformed their most profound difficulties into a source of strength that they now use to uplift and empower those around them.
These leaders, experts in their fields with decades of experience, share stories of how they:
Discovered they are more resilient than they ever imagined.
Found unconditional love for self and others.
Not only survived, but found joy and purpose after grief and loss.
Became powerful healers through yoga, reiki, massage, intuitive communication, plant medicine and more.
Allowed the Divine Feminine to move through them in ever more creative and soulful ways.
Enjoy the inspirational and uplifting stories contained within these pages.
More about the book:
These leaders, experts in their fields with decades of experience, share stories of how they:
- Discovered they are more resilient than they ever imagined.
- Found unconditional love for self and others.
- Not only survived, but found joy and purpose after grief and loss.
- Became powerful healers through yoga, reiki, massage, intuitive communication, plant medicine and more.
- Allowed the Divine Feminine to move through them in ever more creative and soulful ways.
Awakening the Divine Feminine has been the theme of Laura Cornell’s life. She founded Divine Feminine Yoga to help women heal ~ body, mind, and soul ~ so they can reach out to heal the world.
Co-authors are Lydie Ometto, Esther Wyss-Flamm, Jen Antill, Deah Jenkins, Jane Kleiman, Chona Villegas, LaShanda Brown, Erin Dowd, Cindi Buenzli Gertz, Angie Merritt, Michelle Ann Collins, Anne Conley Ondrey, Claire M. Zovko, Hyla Hitchcox, Martha Chabinsky, Jennifer Deville Catalano, and Laura Hernandez.
- delivered to your home for free (USA only) - out of country small delivery fee
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much gratitude - thank you