'Awesome Reasons to dive into InnerSea Yoga Teacher Training Immersion'

even if you are not intending to teach or not sure yet...

*  The level of information, experience, transformation, embodiment, practice, newness, reflection, opportunities, and the list is much bigger.... which you will receive is for a lifetime, or many ... and it is priceless when measuring it all.

* You have the opportunity to connect to YOU in deeper levels and uncover so much of what you are not, to shine who you really are.

* Once you take the courage and the bold decision to commit yourself for this Immersion, fear and doubt is replaced by strength and possibilities.

* By embracing a group of other high intentioned, like-minded individuals, a level of Divine magic happens and your abilities to create, transform and forward move, is multiplied by tons.

*  You experience the joys of learning within the container of a 'Sacred Space & Circle' and learn how to create this space for your future classes, retreats, and/or offerings

* You have the opportunity to explore different locations during this Immersion and learn how to adapt your own practice according to the circumstances, plus expand this learning to your teaching - as you wish.

* You embrace the opportunity to say Yes to You and explore how to expand your 'yesses' to a variety of areas in your life.

* You embody anatomy and physiology as a precious and fun gift, plus learn how to 'dance' with the asanas/postures within many new perspectives, a new energetic field, and a new expression of Your Own Self.

* You will have the opportunity to receive support from a variety of highly qualified Yoga Teacher and healing practitioners who, as guest teachers, will be sharing their wisdom to enlighten your Yogic pathway.

* You have the very-unique opportunity to be immersed within a semi-private group of max of 10 like-minded yoga enthusiastic who are willing to not only dive within, but also to support their fellow trainees. 

* Understand and integrate the knowledge that meditation can come in a variety of ways, so that anyone can learn to enjoy and benefit from this incredible tool & way of life.

* Make peace with stress and learn ways on how to distress into joy.

* By being emersed within the Sacred Container of InnerSea Yoga Teacher Training Immersion, you will learn how to extend the sacred container to all aspects of your life.

* You will have the opportunity to receive guidance and support from 30+ years of experience within the Yoga world, over 12 straight years leading Yoga Teacher Training Immersions, years of full service, dedication & life's improvements within the field of health & healing (from physical therapy, massage & integrative bodyworks, neurolinguistic, health & life coaching/mentoring, yoga therapy, energy medicine, breathwork, essential oils & essential elements ... and so much more)

* You will learn to hear the Yoga teachings, and fundamentally you will learn to LISTEN to its wisdom.

*You will be well prepared towards applying all your learning towards the continual enhancement of your own sacred life, and surely you will feel fully equipped to support others to go to their own 'next level'.

* This is only the beginning, there is so much more....

Contact Lydie Ometto 423-914-0481 if you have questions about the training